Headless and Static Websites

Headless and static websites are two modern approaches to web development that offer different benefits.
Contact WiseInternet to discuss your requirements and consider the advantages of using this modern technology.

Headless Websites

A headless website separates the front-end (what users see) from the back-end (where content is managed).

Key Characteristics

  • Decoupled Architecture
    The front-end and back-end operate independently. The front-end communicates with the back-end via APIs.
  • Flexibility
    Developers can use any technology for the front-end (e.g., React, Angular, Vue.js) while using a content management system (CMS) like WordPress, Contentful, or Strapi for the back-end.
  • Scalability
    Easier to scale because the front-end and back-end can be optimized and scaled separately.
  • Performance
    Often faster because the front-end can be highly optimized and served from a content delivery network (CDN).
  • Content Management
    Editors can manage content through a user-friendly CMS without needing to touch the front-end code.

Use Cases

  • Websites needing a high level of customization and interactivity.
  • Sites with frequent content updates that require a robust CMS.
  • E-commerce platforms where flexibility and performance are crucial.

Static Websites

A static website is composed of fixed content that doesn't change dynamically.

Key Characteristics

  • Pre-rendered Content
    All HTML, CSS, and JavaScript files are generated at build time and served to the user as-is.
  • Speed
    Extremely fast because there's no server-side processing; content is delivered directly from the server or CDN.
  • Security
    More secure since there is no back-end server that can be compromised.
  • Simplicity
    Easier to host and maintain because there are no server-side dependencies.

Tools and Generators

  • Static Site Generators (SSGs)
    Tools like Jekyll, Hugo, Next.js, and Gatsby generate static HTML files from templates and content files.
  • Content Management
    Content can be managed through static files or headless CMS that generate static content.

Use Cases

  • Blogs, portfolios, and documentation sites where content doesn't change frequently.
  • Marketing websites that require high performance and security.
  • Sites with limited interactive features and primarily static content.

Comparing Headless and Static Websites


  • Headless
    Decoupled, with front-end and back-end communicating via APIs.
  • Static
    Fully pre-rendered content, no server-side processing.


  • Headless
    High performance due to optimized front-end and CDN delivery.
  • Static
    Extremely fast as content is served directly from the server or CDN.

Content Management

  • Headless
    Managed through a CMS with dynamic content capabilities.
  • Static
    Managed through static files or headless CMS, but content changes require a new build.

Use Cases

  • Headless
    Ideal for complex, dynamic sites with high customization needs.
  • Static
    Best for simple, content-focused sites requiring high performance and security.

In summary, the choice between headless and static websites depends on the specific needs of the project, including the level of interactivity, content management requirements, and performance considerations.