Headless WooCommerce

Headless WooCommerce provides a modern, flexible, and performance-oriented approach to building ecommerce platforms, making it a strong choice for businesses looking to enhance their online presence.

Headless WooCommerce is an approach where the front-end and back-end of an ecommerce site are decoupled.

The headless setup offers many advantages.

Performance Improvements

  • Faster Load Times
    Decoupling the front-end from the back-end allows for optimized front-end technologies (e.g. React, Next.js) that can improve page load times.
  • Scalability
    The ability to scale the front-end and back-end independently means better handling of high traffic.

Enhanced User Experience

  • Seamless Interactions
    Single Page Applications (SPAs) provide a smoother, app-like experience with faster interactions and transitions.
  • Personalization
    Easier integration with personalization engines and A/B testing tools to tailor the user experience.

Flexibility in Development

  • Technology Agnostic
    Freedom to use the latest front-end technologies without being tied to the constraints of WooCommerce’s traditional front-end.
  • Custom Designs
    Easier implementation of unique and custom designs that may be challenging with standard WooCommerce themes.

Improved Security

  • Reduced Attack Surface
    By separating the front-end from the back-end, direct access to the WordPress/WooCommerce back-end is minimized, potentially reducing vulnerabilities.
  • API Security
    With a properly configured API, you can enforce security protocols that further protect the site.

Better Developer Experience

  • Modern Development Practices
    Developers can use modern frameworks, tools, and practices which can enhance productivity and code quality.
  • Separation of Concerns
    Clear separation between front-end and back-end development allows teams to work more independently and efficiently.

Content Management Flexibility

  • Headless CMS Integration
    Easy integration with other headless CMS platforms, allowing for better content management and distribution.
  • Multi-Channel Delivery
    Content and products can be pushed to multiple channels (web, mobile apps, IoT devices) from a single back-end.


  • Easier Upgrades
    Updating the front-end or back-end independently can simplify upgrades and maintenance.
  • Adaptability
    The decoupled architecture allows for easier adoption of new technologies as they emerge.

WooCommerce Services

WooCommerce Websites

A turn-key online shop solution ready for you to start selling straight away.

WooCommerce Customisations

Your idea maybe unique, or maybe we've already implemented something similar.

WooCommerce B2B and B2C

We have developed solutions for wholesalers and business to business operators.

Headless WooCommerce

Faster, more secure, improved scalability and better customer experiences (more sales).

WooCommerce Integrations

Connect ERP software, inventory and warehousing, accounting applications, etc.

WooCommerce Marketplaces

List on marketplaces including Amazon, eBay, Catch, Kogan, Facebook and Google.

WooCommerce Plugins

See the list of WooCommerce plugins our customers use and we recommend.

WooCommerce Support

We offer phone and email support for your WooCommerce online shop.

News and Information

Recent articles with information that you may find relevant to your business and the technology you use.


WooCommerce vs Shopify Comparison

By the numbers there are two leading ecommerce solutions for online stores and these are WooCommerce and Shopify. So, you are in good company when selecting one of these platforms. See what's different and what's similar.


Popular Ecommerce Platforms

WooCommerce and Shopify are the most widely used ecommerce platforms both in Australia and worldwide. However, there are many other great platforms that are developed specifically for ecommerce and one of these could be suitable for your business.


WooCommerce Updates and Vulnerabilities

We have found that updating WooCommerce websites immediately, when updates are released, often causes problems. We certainly do not recommend enabling automatic updates for any areas of your website and often recommend not updating.


Recommended WooCommerce Plugins

With 800+ commercial extensions on the WooCommerce marketplace, thousands more available directly from vendors, and another 60,000+ free plugins in the official WordPress.org directory which do we recommend?